cxcalc license problem

User f564ccf382

06-10-2008 12:42:37

To whom it concerns,

I am also having problems with the new license file. I removed the first line of the file but, I still get the same error messages as below when I try to use cxcalc.

I installed the license file license.cxl into .chemaxon/ as instructed. When I used msketch everything worked fine. But, when I tried to use cxcalc I got the following error message:

chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.

Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group

License path: /root/.chemaxon/license.cxl

Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.

Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use

through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:

chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.

Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group

License path: /root/.chemaxon/license.cxl

Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.

Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use

through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:

at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.logPPlugin.checkLicense(Unknown Source)

at Source)

at Source)


at Source

at chemaxon.util.concurrent.processors.SingleThreadedProcessor.getNext(U

at Source)

at Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.Calculator.main(Unknown Source)

id logP


Exception in thread "main"

Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group

License path: /root/.chemaxon/license.cxl

Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.

Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use

through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:

at chemaxon.marvin.Calculator.outputOnlyPlugin(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.Calculator.consume(Unknown Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.Calculator.main(Unknown Source)

Caused by: chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.

Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group

License path: /root/.chemaxon/license.cxl

Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.

Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use

through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:

at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(Unknown Source)

at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.logPPlugin.checkLicense(Unknown Source)

at Source)

at Source)

I would be grateful if you could tell me how to correct the problem.



ChemAxon 909aee4527

06-10-2008 13:25:48

Dear Miriam,

your post was moved to a new topic, because it is probably not related to that problem.

When opening Help > Licenses from MarvinSketch, then viewing the License Overview panel, can you see the Partitioning Plugin Group license? Does it have the Batch mode option?

If yes, please check if the location printed on this panel exactly match /root/.chemaxon/license.cxl, which is the location printed by cxcalc.

Kind regards,


User f564ccf382

06-10-2008 13:51:42

Hi Judit,

When I open Help > Licenses from MarvinSketch, the License Overview Panel is empty.



ChemAxon 909aee4527

06-10-2008 14:04:39

Well, than probably the license file is not at the appropriate location.

Is this happening on a server or on a local machine?

If local machine, then please use the Install License Panel as described here:

After this you should see the licenses in the Overview panel. Please report whether this works or not.

User f564ccf382

06-10-2008 16:16:52

Hi Judit,

I originally manually placed the license file in the .chemaxon/ directory. Just not I typed license at the command line and I tried to install the license file as instructed by the GUI but the License Overview is still empty.



ChemAxon 909aee4527

07-10-2008 08:10:28

Miriam, I'd like to ask some more information about the environment.

I'd like to ask you to send me the license file you use in e-mail (you can find my e-mail address in my forum profile).

Please also send me the contents of the Help > About dialog of MarvinSketch (version number, os info, etc).

User f564ccf382

07-10-2008 10:28:11

Hi Judit,

The problem is solved. The license file that I had in the directory /root/.chemaxon was

licence.cxl and not the correct file license.cxl.

Both msketch and cxcalc are working perfectly.

Many thanks again for all your help,


ChemAxon 909aee4527

07-10-2008 10:49:04

Hi Miriam,

glad to hear you could solve this issue!

Kind regards,


User 22d065df51

06-02-2009 15:44:40

Hi everyone, I just downloaded the file called:  licensechemaxon.cxl

since I need to use the acidity-basicity calculator program.

The problem I have is that in my PC I am not able to open it (it says unknown file) and continue with the installation process. So my questions are:

1) How can I open this file??

2) Once open it, what is the easiest way to install it to obtain the license key??

3) Is this licence key going to allow me to use any of the softwares found on this website:

Thanks so much anyone interested in answering me these questions


ChemAxon 909aee4527

09-02-2009 10:19:05

Dear Rogelio,

thank you for your interest in using ChemAxon products.

1-2. Once you install Marvin Beans to your desktop, the license file will be associated with the ChemAxon License Manager (CLM) application, which enables to to install the .cxl license file. In case you do not wish to install Marvin Beans, you can also use CLM from Marvin Applets by opening Licenses... from the Help menu. For more details please visit:

3. The website you linked still uses Marvin 4.1.15 (prior to 5.0), thus it requires a different license file. You need to download the old license keys. Those license keys can be installed on the calculator plugin's option panel. For more information please visit this page:

I hope this is useful.

Kind regards,
