Marvin 5.0+ license with Java Web Start

User 9852713200

24-09-2008 16:25:43


We have a perpetual license for MarvinBeans. And we deploy our applications using Java Web Start.

My question is -- what is the best way to handle Marvin 5.0+ license file in conjunction with Java Web Start? I don't want our users to see "no license found" error message when clicking on the JNLP link we provided.


ChemAxon 909aee4527

25-09-2008 15:06:11


we support a Java system property called "chemaxon.license.url" that can be set using the <property> tag in JNLP files.

With this parameter you can link the license file uploaded to the server.

The only criterium is, that you need licenses that have the "Server Use Allowed" field.

We will create an example and documentation about this in the near future.

I hope you can use this solution.

Kind regards,


User 9852713200

25-09-2008 15:20:04


  <property name="chemaxon.license.url" value="/test/chemaxon/license.cxl"/>


Is this right?


ChemAxon 909aee4527

25-09-2008 15:24:38

Yes, this should be right, though the value should be tested.

Does this work for you?

User 9852713200

25-09-2008 15:35:02

I put it in. But how do I know it actually works?


ChemAxon 909aee4527

26-09-2008 07:17:29

For example run the Charge plugin from Tools > Charge > Charge.

The list of the available licenses is listed in the Chemaxon License Manager in Help > Licenses...

User 9852713200

26-09-2008 14:43:04


We don't have plug-in licenses, but we have MarvinBeans license.

I went to Help > License... Under License overview or Product license details > Marvin Beans, I didn't see any entries. So I guess this property tag in JNLP does NOT work.

What should I do now?


User 9852713200

29-09-2008 16:08:56



  <property name="chemaxon.license.url" value="/test/chemaxon/license.cxl"/>


The current "value" is pointing to the absolute path of the license file that is stored on the jnlp server. Should I replace it with "http://........."?


ChemAxon 909aee4527

29-09-2008 16:58:55

In our test environment we are setting it with http:// and it works fine.

You need to be aware of the JWS caching, clear cache might help to get it work.

User 9852713200

30-09-2008 14:14:15


Is it possible to set the MarvinBean's license through the code? If so, can you please provide the code example?


ChemAxon 909aee4527

01-10-2008 15:21:51

With this public API method the license file can be set:

Did you have problems with the JNLP parameter?

User 9852713200

01-10-2008 15:33:31


Can I also use "setLicense" method by copying and pasting the content from the license.cxl file?

When should this method be used? Right after "new MSketchPane()" call?

That JNLP parameter works now, but I want to try set the license via the code.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

01-10-2008 15:39:34

It is possible with it, though be careful not to break the EULA ( ) with this.

The call can be on any arbitrary location, it should not change the behavior.

User 9852713200

01-10-2008 15:44:55


I only need to call setLicense once and it'll work for both MSketch and MView, right?


ChemAxon 909aee4527

01-10-2008 15:46:54

Yes, using them in the same JVM it will work, because it is static.