Calculator plugins in a web environment

User 121285d3c7

13-09-2008 16:51:12

As users need their own licenses to run the calculator plugins for newly sketched structures that they create, how might the licensing work in a web environment where a structure is sent to the server for calculation and the results returned to the web page. Licences seem to be installed per jvm, not per individual user?

Thank you,


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

15-09-2008 13:10:17


If I understand well this would be allowing any user to perform structure based calculations from a given web page. If so then this would require quite specialised licensing, though is quite straight forward from a technical point of view, for instance this implementation has unlimited calculator plugins calls.

Can I ask where you would use this functionality, if this would be under an academic license then this would not be covered in the free use licenses we issue

Can you tell me more/does this explain?



User 121285d3c7

17-09-2008 13:39:27


That implementation is via java/javascript communication. I am planning for something that would involve a server round-trip. That way, the intention would be to combine descriptors from Chemaxon with others (Accelrys, Dragon etc.) into one easy to use interface. This would be as open source software, the intention eventually to be on a publicly accessible site.

Of course for the Chemaxon descriptors, individual users would require their own licensing. The question is how to implement that licensing.



ChemAxon b124dd5f17

19-09-2008 11:34:59


Can you email me about this or we can speak, my email is "aa__at__chemaxon__._com". It sounds fine technologically but commercially we need to be careful as we sell the Calculator Plugins commercially.

About communications have a look at this implementation where we can make predictions during edit.

