Compiling to a dll

User 121285d3c7

23-05-2008 02:41:01

I would like to compile jchem.jar to a dll so I can use it in a dot Net project. Are there any licensing restrictions I am not aware of that would prevent me from doing this?

Thanks and best regards,


ChemAxon 0e37943a96

23-05-2008 13:06:03

Do you want to do this with IKVM?

The same licensing applies as with JChem. The license file should be in the user home directory.



User 121285d3c7

23-05-2008 15:42:18

Thank you Tamas,

Yes this would be with IKVM. The intention would be for a desktop application to be used within our institute and beyond.

Since it involved the manipulation of the jchem jar file I wanted to check that I could do this.

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

24-05-2008 05:00:09

You are welcome.

The reason I have asked this, that we are going the release an IKVM based API(DLL) soon, and we would like to also improve on the .NET interop support.

If you wish we could send you our DLL in June. We would be interested in your feedback.


ChemAxon 0e37943a96

27-05-2008 13:35:44

I assume this topic is closed than.

User 121285d3c7

27-05-2008 13:48:05

Hi - it was a long weekend for us. I would be happy to provide feedback.

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

27-05-2008 14:15:15


I will let you know when the DLL is ready.

User 121285d3c7

11-06-2008 03:01:01

Do you think that image export will be available through .NET? The ikvm site suggests that forms based functionality is very limited and my initial testing only produces blank images...

Thank you :-)

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

11-06-2008 04:58:13

Yes, but that is the tricky part. At the moment only .NET Bitmap will be supported, but there are some limitations. You will have to use different code, but I will give you an example. I will try to send you a preview DLL next week.


User 121285d3c7

11-06-2008 20:16:58

I have posted an example of how to generate images from .Net code in the community section of the forum. It uses the Caffeine open source project which runs a java vm in the same process as the .Net runtime. It seems to work very well :-)

Edit: Link:

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

12-06-2008 08:07:16

Thanks for your contribution.

We are planning to check out Caffeine as well, but our main focus is on IKVM and JNBridge at the moment. The reason behind IKVM is, that you do not need Java (since it translates bytecode to IL), and provides good performance.
