Help : install license
User ceff79a960
14-05-2008 09:30:31
hello :
I have a problem with installation , after I have install the key with license manager with system linux, it doesn't work. must I do something with the table jchemproperties? and the maximum times for search is 3 per minute? can it change to 10? Can I ask what is the difference between license research and license teaching? why one is limited for 2 years, and the other not?
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
14-05-2008 11:19:36
I moved your questions to the license area of the forum. To answer again about the 3 searches/min search limit for JChem, this is a limit we applied since the beginning, we have not had any problems reported with this limit sofar, can I ask why you would need a higher frequency than this. Do feel free to only answer in this or the other forum topic
The research license is limited to 2 years because this is to support research and publication. In our minds if we are not useful to a researcher (especially the many postgrad subscribers) and included in a manuscript within 2 years then perhaps we are not used and so the license will lapse. If you do publish and cite ChemAxon and update your application with the citation information we will renew the license for another 2 years and so on.
For teaching the license is ongoing (and also covers students of the department) because we believe in the topic and wish to see students working with advanced functionality so they are better placed to enter the job market running
Hope this helps
User ceff79a960
14-05-2008 12:14:36
very Claire , Thank you so much ,Alex, but the only problem left to me is , I didn't succeed in using the license.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
14-05-2008 12:34:51
I expect the moderators over at the license issues forum will be with you shortly. I would suggest you review the help in the llicense manager application and
documentation in the meantime
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
14-05-2008 12:53:37
Could you let us know the JChem version you are using ?
Do you have the old-style license file (licenses.dat) or the new one (license.cxl) ?
Also, what license does not work and where (desktop or server application. etc) ?
Do you get an error message ?
User ceff79a960
14-05-2008 13:20:37
my Jchembase 5.02 , OS: debian 3.1
I have the new license license.cxl
after I installed the license , it still can be searched one times per minute from another computer from web application , is this a problem?
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
14-05-2008 14:06:47
Please note that the License Manager GUI installs the licenses for the current user.
In most cases server applications run in the name of an other user.
You should locate the home directory of this user and copy the license file under a ".chemaxon" (or "chemaxon" for Windows) directory.
Best regards,
User ceff79a960
14-05-2008 14:22:15
I don't understand how to locate the home directory of this user. I install my website in debian3.1 and Jchembase too, and I want to use the search function in an other computer using windows. can you show me a little more detail or example ? thank you
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
15-05-2008 11:50:01
If you are unable to determine the home directory of the user that runs the web application, you may try to invoke util/license/setlicense.jsp in the jchem package.
This helps to upload the license file to the appropriate place.
Please make sure you use this jsp from JChem 5.0.3 for new-style (.cxl) license files.
You may have to restart the web server after setting the license.
User 1cab753e44
09-09-2008 20:22:55
Using JChem v5.1.01
I Installed license.cxl using the license manager application (license.bat) in the bin directory of my JChem5 installation.
I see the "new" license.cxl file in "my" chamaxon directory with today's timestamp.
When I attempt to execute a logP calculation on a SMILES I get the following error:
chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.
Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group
License path: C:\Documents and Settings\jgregory\chemaxon\license.cxl
Please contact
sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit:
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(
at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.logPPlugin.checkLicense(
It claims that there is no valid license, but it has the absolute path to the license.cxl file. It is looking for "Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group" and if I open the license.cxl file in a text editor there is an entry in the license file that looks like this:
<Field Name="Software" Value="Partitioning Plugin Group"/>
<Field Name="License Term" Value="Perpetual"/>
...[more stuff here]
Is there something that I am missing?
ChemAxon 909aee4527
10-09-2008 13:34:32
Hello Jim,
checking your license it seems you have a Single mode license for Partitioning Plugin Group, but the fuctionality you've tried requires a Batch mode license.
One of our sales colleagues will contact you to clarify which functionality you need license to.
Kind regards,
User 1cab753e44
10-09-2008 15:42:34
esp since one of the lines in the license file that I specifically left out of my previous post is:
<Restriction Name="Single/Batch" Value="Batch"/>
Why would the ChemAxon library assume to be executing in Single mode when the license is clearly indicated as "Batch"?
The libraries can find the license.cxl file without a problem, the license should allow the libraries to execute in batch mode.
Is there something else that could be causing this?
Judit wrote: |
Hello Jim,
checking your license it seems you have a Single mode license for Partitioning Plugin Group, but the fuctionality you've tried requires a Batch mode license.
One of our sales colleagues will contact you to clarify which functionality you need license to.
Kind regards,
Judit |
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
10-09-2008 15:51:08
Does the file have the necessary rights to be read by the user in question ?
You did not copy / paste the license file from e-mail or opened in an editor and saved, did you ?
AFAIK that can cause strange problems (depending on the editor's character encoding), you should save the attachment as is.
Do other licenses / functionality work ? (if you have more)
User 1cab753e44
10-09-2008 16:04:26
Other license seem to work:
JChem Base: I can perform multiple sub-structure queries in less than one minute so I have to conclude that license is working fine. However, no other calculator/plugins work. I am operating under the (naive?) impression that if I can get ClogP working they will all start working...
The application server is running locally under my own account, so it has access to the license file.
To get the license, I double-clicked on the license file that was included in an email. I selected the "save" instead of open option.
I have opened the license file in text editors, etc.
Following the advice from some posts in the forum I have tried such tricks as removing the first line of the license file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I will try and locate the original email (I should still have it) and save it locally. I will not edit or manipulate at all, and use the license manager to install again...
User 1cab753e44
10-09-2008 16:28:46
I found the license file in the original email.
I saved it to my local machine.
I used the license.bat application in the bin directory to "install" the license file.
The timestamp on the license file in "my" chemaxon directory has changed to "today" so the installation process using license manager seems to have written a new file into my chemaxon directory.
I bounced my server and attempted to use the plugins.
It looks like the TPSA plugin is working but I get errors attempting to perform ClogD, ClogP, refractivity, H bond Donors & Acceptors.
An example error is:
Error Calculating ClogD:
chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.
Product name: Partitioning Plugin Group
License path: C:\Documents and Settings\jgregory\chemaxon\license.cxl
Please contact
sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit:
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(
at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.logDPlugin.checkLicense(
at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.logDPlugin.calclogD(
User 1cab753e44
10-09-2008 17:26:01
Szilard - thanks for your suggestions, etc.
I have the system working now with a "new" license file from ChemAxon for our client.
User d3cc640a6c
15-09-2008 17:42:19
I have think that I have down loaded the correct license but I am unable to see it in my license manager.
User d3cc640a6c
16-09-2008 19:41:41
I have looked everywhere on my pc, I can find license.cxl but it is empty. I have gone in via command prompt to look for it as well and still can not find it. If it was emailed to me that my be why I did not receive it.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
17-09-2008 07:31:03
As an academic user you should find the email I have sent (Subject: ChemAxon Academic Package application - for teaching) on the 10th of this month, it instructs to visit the link in the email and download the license file.
Let me know if this helps