there's no conformation plugin group license key

User 89b08de65a

09-05-2008 13:30:06

To whom it may concern,

I just upgraded to the latest version 5.0.3 of MarvinBeans,

But the function of generating conformers and molecular dynamics didn't work!

And there's no valid license key showed in Conformation Plugin Group of LicenseManager.

I used the old license that the keys were save in file licenses.dat.

Would anyone please help me to solve it?

Shawn Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

12-05-2008 09:33:44

Hi Shawn,

I assume you are an academic package user? If so then please visit this link to get the latest license file (which includes the Conformer license). Do note this is an academic package only area so you need to be logged into the forum as the username which applied for the academic package.

The conformer key was probably not included as it is a newer function and was not included in the key list you were sent when you signed up for the package.

If you are not an academic package user you will need to contact sales to confirm your current license state



User 89b08de65a

13-05-2008 01:35:13

Dear Alex,

Yes, I'm an academic package user.

Thanks for your help.

All programs work fine now!
