Getting Error When running PP components

User af6c581595

21-04-2008 16:29:14

using Marvin

Have been running the ChemAxon PP components for about a week and today I get the following error from the protocol:

No valid license has been found.

nothing on the server has changed. what can I look for? I have re-installed the license on the server.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

24-04-2008 16:24:40

The same question was also asked directly in e-mail.

My reply was the following:

Please check if the 'license.cxl' or 'licenses.dat' file (depending on JChem / license version) is still in your '<user home>/chemaxon' directory.

Maybe the user has been changed for your Pipeline Pilot server ?

If running the server under Windows it is running as System user by default.

I suggest to run it as a named user with a home directory instead.

In the "Services" dialog look for something like "scitegic_apache_x_x_x".
If something if found which can be useful to others too it will also be posted here.
