User 4c85fbb064
07-06-2016 10:13:18
I want to launch a free, non-commercial website that would use
MolConverter to generate image files from Molfiles (genarated by a
proprietary program). I don't see the MolConverter on the FreeWeb
software list. What sort of a license should I apply for?
Kind Regards,
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
08-06-2016 07:39:29
Hi Tomasz,
I have to admit this is a bit tricky part. MolConverter is not handled as a separate product, it is part of MarvinSketch though.
So, it is covered by the FreeWeb license, and by downloading our Marvin Beans package you download MolConverter as well.
This means that probably you will want to apply for FreeWeb license - I assume :) What should you do for this?
Just write an email to acpack _at_ saying that you request a FreeWeb license, because you want to use it on your freely accessible website. You should write about who will use this website and what exactly is that good for; and also give the URL of the website - if that exists.
Pretty much that's it. I hope that was helpful.
Have a great day,
User 4c85fbb064
08-06-2016 07:56:24
I'll do that, thank you Janos!