User ac3d586657
23-02-2016 15:01:07
Hi, I have recently obtained a new Chemaxon's licence. However the licence file is not working.
When I load the file into the licence manager no information is displayed and if I attempt to install the licence it doesn't correctly install. Licence installation also fails if I tray from the terminal.
I also tried installing the licence file after removing licences files previously installed with no success.
Could be the Spanish character "é" within my institution name "Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja" the cause?
Thanks in advance
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
23-02-2016 15:35:01
Hi Yunierkis,
Well, it easily can be the problem. I generated a new one, without the "é" character. If you log in to our website and visit the My Licenses page, you will be able to see your licenses.
Delete your existing license and download, install the new one (you'll recognize it by the date of creation, in the first column called 'Created'). I hope that will help.
User ac3d586657
23-02-2016 16:04:39
Hi Janos
Removing the "é" character solved the licence issue and the new one installed without any problem.
Thanks fro the prompt reply
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
24-02-2016 08:58:33
Thanks for checking the forum; and glad that it could be solved quickly ;)