Merging Academic Licenses

User 8c57fe7217

06-07-2015 15:29:24


I have several academic licenses for ChemAxon products. If I am interpreting things correctly, I have 3 teaching licenses and 1 research license that are currently active. There are several more listed in "My Licenses", but some have expired, and others show an expiration date of 3000-01-01, but I think that these might not be valid.

One of my teaching licences with 34 products has been upgraded to include "Structural Calculations" and another one with 42 products has been upgraded to include "Markush Editor" (but not Structural Calculations).

The research license has 41 products, but does not include Structural Calculations or Markush Editor.

I am thinking of trying the new service to merge license files, but I am not sure which ones to include to be sure that I take advantage of as many products as possible. In addition, I am not sure if it is permitted to merge academic teaching and academic research licenses.

Thank you for your assistance with this.

-- Rudy



ChemAxon 0265132c1a

09-07-2015 09:12:28

Hi Rudy,

You have a luxury problem, don't you :)

I checked your licenses, and you are right, you have quite a number of valid licenses. If I were you I would not merge any of the licenses simply because it is just not worth it.

The 2 latest licenses (Academic Teaching generated on July 7th; and Academic Research generated on July 8th) are the most relevant ones and they include all the ChemAxon tools that are available. The older licenses are all outdated, and correct the ones that last till 3000 won't really work any more.

So, my suggestion is that you just simply get rid of the older licenses and ignore them, since they know less than your previous licenses. And only keep the two I mentioned above.

Let me know if this was helpful for you, or is there anything else I can do for you.

