User 1e08d549b6
12-01-2015 10:45:50
Hi there,
I'm not sure about what license is the appropriate for my case. I'm building a web site that will provide some server services to users, it is not commercial web site, but an academic site. The idea is to use the Pmapper to give me the atoms type for different ligands because we need to calculate the interaction between Proteins and Ligands. In fact, the result of the Pmapper is indirectly used and the user will not have access to these results. They will have access only to the interactions generated by my script The second software that I need to use is the GenerateMD and the Ward to find clusters for us, because we want to know which groups do exist in a set of ligands. After that, I made some .png images using the clusters and the software Pymol. Again, the softwares will be used indirectly. Everything will be calculated by the server and will be shown to the user on the page.
So, do exist some license for this type of use? I'd like to highlight that it is only an academic purpose.
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
12-01-2015 12:39:10
Maybe do this off line but can you look see at what we do support free and come back where this is not fitting.
I would say that if these services are web services - we have to be cautious there - because you providing an open service to anyone (including commercial parties) will probably get in the way of us being able to ever sell it again.
I appreciate your comment that the results from calculations will not be shared but I would like more information anyway about this effort. Can you reply to aa__.__at__.__chemaxon__.__com:
- What is the site for
- What ChemAxon functionality are you wanting to implement (products)
- What other cheminformatics functionality (other companies products) do you want to use
- Does the site have a login?
- Who 'owns' the site
- Are there any commercial aspects (registration, subscription costs, advertising)
- If no commercial aspects, how is the site going to pay for it's self
User 1e08d549b6
12-01-2015 13:20:57
alexa wrote: |
Maybe do this off line but can you look see at what we do support free and come back where this is not fitting.
I would say that if these services are web services - we have to be cautious there - because you providing an open service to anyone (including commercial parties) will probably get in the way of us being able to ever sell it again.
I appreciate your comment that the results from calculations will not be shared but I would like more information anyway about this effort. Can you reply to aa__.__at__.__chemaxon__.__com:
- What is the site for
- What ChemAxon functionality are you wanting to implement (products)
- What other cheminformatics functionality (other companies products) do you want to use
- Does the site have a login?
- Who 'owns' the site
- Are there any commercial aspects (registration, subscription costs, advertising)
- If no commercial aspects, how is the site going to pay for it's self
Cheers Alex
I see, but everything that the Chemaxon softwares generate, will be only used in my scripts to calculations, for instance, the interactions between atoms. And only it, because this information will be deleted and will no be used directly by the user.
Sorry, but I've not understood what you mean by: "Can you reply to aa__.__at__.__chemaxon__.__com". Do you want that I reply here or do you want I send an email as reply?
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
13-01-2015 08:58:36
Yes I am hiding my email from scrapers, please send by email. I sent an email to your account login address so that it's clear.Notice also I would need your institutional mail.