User 8961c1b53b
25-09-2014 21:43:37
I downloaded the most recent version of MarvinBeans, and attempted to use the protonation plugin, for which I had the license, and it was successfully used before, but it "failed" to find a valid license.
It reports where it's look for the license:
"chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.
Product name: Protonation Plugin Group\nLicenses are read from: /homes/seaver/.chemaxon/license.cxl;/homes/seaver/.chemaxon/license.cxl;/homes/seaver/.chemaxon/license.cxl;/homes/seaver/.chemaxon/license.cxl
and the license in question is at that location, and it's a perpetual license, so I don't know why it thinks its valid. I'm inclined to believe that I either have to "upgrade" my license, or there's a bug.
ChemAxon d26931946c
26-09-2014 14:32:34
In our system it seems like you bought support until 2012.12.19, therefore the last version you could use was 5.11.4, released at 2012.11.19.
If you bought further support and you haven't received a new license file or would like to use our newer versions, please contact our sales department on sales _at_ or your sales representative.
Best regards,
User 8961c1b53b
26-09-2014 14:47:55
So you are telling me that, even though the license for the plugin itself is 'perpetual', I would not be able to take advantage of any bug-fixes in the MarvinBean software packages?
ChemAxon d26931946c
26-09-2014 14:55:12
Yes, perpetual licenses are valid for unlimited time, but comes with only 1 year support and upgrades as described on this page.