LicenseManager error on Ubuntu 13.10

User 984330c09a

27-03-2014 14:02:36


I successfully installed JChem on Ubuntu 13.10. However, when I launched LicenseManager and tried to install the license I received the following error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class chemaxon.license.LicenseManagerTool

Version of Java I'm using is 1.7.0_51.

Thanks in advance,


ChemAxon d26931946c

27-03-2014 14:31:57

Hi Elena,

I've tried it with JChem 6.2.1 and couldn't reproduce your problem. What was the version of the JChem you've installed?

Could you run the file ./ChemAxon/JChem/bin/license in your installation?


User 984330c09a

28-03-2014 09:52:15

Hi Peter

I installed JChem 6.2., and the error appeared after I launched  ./ChemAxon/JChem/LicenseManager during the installation of the license.

Running ./ChemAxon/JChem/bin/license helped - everything worked fine.

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,


ChemAxon d26931946c

28-03-2014 13:41:52

Thanks for the reply!

We'll look into ./ChemAxon/JChem/LicenseManager and fix the problem if we find it.

I'm glad that /ChemAxon/JChem/bin/license worked.

Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.

