No license file found. Product name: Registration System

User 0b3cac46cb

13-03-2014 18:10:07

 I am calling a webservice which needs license . How to resolve this issue. 

The sample request message is follows :


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""












Shall get a successful response currently getting Fault


<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">


      <S:Fault xmlns:ns4="" target="_blank">">


         <faultstring>No license file found.

Product name: Registration System

License path:

Please contact
sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.

Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use

through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:" target="_blank"></faultstring>





It would be very helpful If anyone provides help as soon as possible.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

13-03-2014 18:44:36



Do you have a valid license for Registration System ?

Have you installed the license file as described in the documentation ?

If yes, please let us know the software version and send the license file to support _at_


Best regards,



User 0b3cac46cb

14-03-2014 09:02:31

Hi Szilard,

I do have a valid license and did follow all the steps as mentioned in link provided by you. Currently I am using version 5.11.5. However, I still get same response everytime I call the webservice. Please help

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

14-03-2014 09:13:59



We haven't got the license file from you yet for examination. 

Please send it from the actual location on the server (so we can see if it got corrupted somehow).

(you need to substitute the _at_ with an "@" character - it is an anti-spam display feature in the forum)

Also, are you running the service as  a named  user with a real user home ?

What is the full path to the license file ?


User 0b3cac46cb

14-03-2014 09:18:51

Hi Szilard,

Can we set up a live meeting regarding the same. Actually this is a critical issue and impacting our timelines. So it would be really helpful for me if somehow we can arrange for the same. Hope you will be fine with it too.