Impossible to use an evaluation license for JChem for Excel

User 2620f6033f

12-11-2013 01:17:31


I am trying
to use JChem (Version for Excel (Version 14.0.4760 32-bit). I have
requested an academic license and I am waiting to receive it.  Meanwhile, I have downloaded an evaluation license for JChem for Excel (license.cxl) that I have pasted in  C:\Users\NAME\chemaxon\ (Windows 7)

When I open an excel spreadsheet and I try to use a function that needs a license, I get this message:

No license
file found for JChem for Excel. 

License path: C:\Users\NAME\chemaxon\license.cxl

When I use
the License Manager, I browse to the file license.cxl at
C:\Users\NAME\chemaxon\ and get this error message:

License reading
problem occured C:\Users\NAME\chemaxon\license.cxl.

Thank you
for helping me solve this problem so that I can use JChem for Excel before
receiving an academic license.



ChemAxon e49cf225c6

12-11-2013 08:44:15


Can you send your license file ( C:\Users\NAME\chemaxon\license.cxl ) to -------?

Best regards,


ChemAxon e49cf225c6

12-11-2013 12:41:46

There was a website error, and as a result the downloaded license files were corrupted.

The website is fixed now, so after you download your license files again, they should be working.

User 2620f6033f

12-11-2013 17:30:44

Hi Daniel,

It is now working fine.

Thank you !
