6.0 update and license problems

User 24da20bb49

24-07-2013 20:29:26

Dear ChemAxon team,


After I did the upgrade from version 5 to 6, my Instant JChem package stopped working with a local MySQL database I have set up for my work. This was allowed in version 5. Is that intentional?

Best regards,


Prof. Cedric Graebin

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

25-07-2013 10:18:46


Instant JChem is only allowed to connect to an external database with the "Enterprise" version of the IJC license.

It seems you have the "Standard" version, which only allows connectin to the embedded Derby database.

This condition was not checked properly (bug), it was fixed in 6.0. :


Best regards,
