User cdc1fd6fff
30-08-2012 05:45:06
Hi, from the FAQ of reactor, there are two ways to set a rule reacted by amine other than amide. Personally, we like the first one (aminenotamide_rgroup.mrv). As you know, it is difficult to use the smart language for common chemists.
But we can't get the result by using version 5.10.3, which was successful by using version 5.3.7. the process is held on the last page with elapsed time changing
Could you help to check what happen to this latest version?
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
30-08-2012 06:42:10
We have an even simpler solution in the meantime, you can write the name of the functional group in the match expression.
or in reaction rule context:
match(ratom(1), amine, 1)
If the nitrogen atom of your scheme is mapped with number 1 it will match the N atom of the small internal SMARTS dictionary. Press CTRL+SPACE within the match function in the reaction rule editor of the Reactor GUI to see the list of functional groups and their definitions.
I will certainly check the R-group example as well, thanks for the notification.
User cdc1fd6fff
31-08-2012 03:17:38
Thank you very much for prompt reply
we will try as your suggestion, if you have new plan to adjust R-group function, we are happy to wait the new version.
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
31-08-2012 07:05:01
I could reproduce the issue with the example containing the R-group and zero occurence, and my colleagues will get back to you with the results of their investigation.
User cdc1fd6fff
26-09-2012 01:31:13
Gyuri wrote: |
I could reproduce the issue with the example containing the R-group and zero occurence, and my colleagues will get back to you with the results of their investigation.
I wonder if this problem about R-group and zero occurence has been fixed in new version of 5.11.0. If ok, we will be very happy to update to the latest version
Appreciate your help
ChemAxon afdac7b783
26-09-2012 14:22:28
Unfortunately, this problem is not solved in version (5.11.0).
We will get back to you if any progress is made.
Best regards,
ChemAxon afdac7b783
06-11-2012 21:51:56
I would like to inform you that we have managed to fix the issue.
The fix will be available in version 5.11.4, and will be released around mid November.
Best regards,
User cdc1fd6fff
28-11-2012 02:56:30
vpalfi wrote: |
I would like to inform you that we have managed to fix the issue. The fix will be available in version 5.11.4, and will be released around mid November.
Best regards,
Thank you for update, we are testing this R-goup function by using new Verson 5.11.4, glad to find R-Goup and occurrence function do work. but error information jumped out if we make a limit(aliphatic) to "N" . we attached all the files about testing. The satisfied result can be got by Version could you help to check these fiels?
Thank you again for ongoing support
ChemAxon e08c317633
07-01-2013 14:06:16
We will fix the error in 6.1 version.
Sorry for the late answer.