Is there any reactions Database

User aaf2fb9e7a

16-07-2011 06:28:02


i know that there is some reactions DBs like CASREACT contains 30+ millions reactions

is there any reactions databases available to download?

thanks in advance.

ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

16-07-2011 06:33:55

Not from us, but if you downloaded a reaction database in mrv, rdf, smiles, skc or cdx formats, you can store, manage and search those reactions in the ChemAxon databases (i.e. Instant JChem).

User aaf2fb9e7a

16-07-2011 09:56:45

thanks for reply

i know that this not from chemaxon

but im asking if you know any database for reactions?

thanks in advance.

ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

19-07-2011 20:28:13

I asked some of my colleagues if they know such reaction database available for download, but unfortunately without success.