Synthesis Code Options

User 2347372188

09-02-2011 23:43:15

i was wondering if it would be possible to exclude a fields in synthesis code options.  For example, sometimes one would like to create a library where onle one reactant varies.  In that case, it is annoying to have other fields in the synthesis code since they never change.  Could you just add a "ignore" or "empty" option in each of the drop downs in the field names?



ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

10-02-2011 09:20:50

We have developed a new feature that allows you to copy the selected fields of the reactants to the product. This feature will apeear in version 5.5 sometimes in the early spring. I can imagine that this will solve your request, but for being sure, it would be good to see one or more example synthesis codes you would like to generate. Can you please show an example here?