User 941c2467a3
05-08-2010 20:49:09
We found that basic aromatized SMILES strings could trigger reactions which
they should not trigger.
Here is an example,
SMILES for pyridin-2(1H)-one:
O=C1NC=CC=C1 - generated by Molecule.aromatize(MoleculeGraph.AROM_BASIC);
O=c1cccc[nH]1 - generated by Molecule.aromatize();
One representation "O=C1NC=CC=C1" doesn't have an aromatic ring while the
other "O=c1cccc[nH]1" has one aromatic ring.
we have a reaction (bt0005_3939.mrv) requires substrates having an aromatic
ring to be triggered. We did a simple test by running,
react -v -r bt0005_3939.mrv "O=C1NC=CC=C1"
Surprisingly, the reaction was triggered and gave a product
"OC1=C(O)C=CC(=O)N1". It looked like reactor automatically transferred the
substrate based on general aromaticity method and triggered the
We checked chemaxon reactor documents and didn't find any parameters
related to the aromaticity settings.
Do you have any suggestions regarding to this problem? Thanks!
btw, our software version is 5.3.4.
- Jeff
ChemAxon e08c317633
10-08-2010 14:06:08
There is a MolSearch object inside the Reactor engine which matches the input reactants with the reactants in the reaction scheme. This MolSearch object performs general aromatization during the search, and currently there is no way to change this aromatization method. So for now reactor cannot handle these kind of aromatic molecules as non-aromatic. We will consider implementing a reactor option to switch off the automatic aromaticity handling.
User 941c2467a3
10-08-2010 14:37:10
Zsolt wrote: |
There is a MolSearch object inside the Reactor engine which matches the input reactants with the reactants in the reaction scheme. This MolSearch object performs general aromatization during the search, and currently there is no way to change this aromatization method. So for now reactor cannot handle these kind of aromatic molecules as non-aromatic. We will consider implementing a reactor option to switch off the automatic aromaticity handling.
Thank you for letting us know this. Using basic aromaticity method in reactor is very important to us (and possibly other users). Please let us know when you decide to implement this feature and whtat version will it be in.
ChemAxon e08c317633
16-08-2010 12:26:30
This option will be available only in API; we will add a "setAutoAromatize(boolean)" method to Reactor class. If the auto aromatization is switched off, then users should take care of the aromatization of molecules. It will be released in JChem 5.4.n (where 0 <= n <= 4).
User 941c2467a3
18-08-2010 15:10:10
Zsolt wrote: |
This option will be available only in API; we will add a "setAutoAromatize(boolean)" method to Reactor class. If the auto aromatization is switched off, then users should take care of the aromatization of molecules. It will be released in JChem 5.4.n (where 0 <= n <= 4).
Thank you for letting us know Zsolt!
- Jeff
User d380f1871f
06-01-2011 14:59:55
I'm taking over for Jeff. I see that JChem 5.4.0 and 5.4.1 have been released but I didn't see any mention of adding setAutoAromatize(boolean) to Reactor. Could you give us an updated timeline on this bugfix?
- Nick
ChemAxon e08c317633
10-01-2011 16:18:30
Hi Nick,
It will be implemented in JChem 5.4.3 or 5.4.4.
User d380f1871f
11-05-2011 20:09:55
I see that JChem 5.5 has recently been released. I didn't notice anything in the changelogs related to this bug. Has it been fixed in 5.5? If it's not fixed, do you have an updated timeline of when it may be fixed?
ChemAxon e08c317633
16-05-2011 08:29:18
Sorry, it was not implemented in 5.5, it will be available in 5.7.
User be2965ea8f
15-09-2011 19:04:42
Hi, I'm taking over for Nick. Is this issue still planned to be fixed in version 5.7? Do you have a tentative idea of when 5.7 will be released?
ChemAxon e08c317633
16-09-2011 15:19:10
Unfortunately we switched to more frequent releases, so this feature will not be included in JChem 5.7.
5.6 was released this week, 5.7 will be released in few weeks. API support to switch off auto aromatization can be expected in few months (not sure in which release).
User be2965ea8f
05-01-2012 17:04:46
Just checking in again to see if you now have a better idea of when/which version this will be addressed.
User 39d0b79643
17-01-2012 19:35:30
Shawn has left the project, so please let me know when to expect basic aromatization in Reactor.
- Lynda Ellis
ChemAxon e08c317633
19-01-2012 13:08:47
We will let you know soon.
User 39d0b79643
03-02-2012 17:02:06
Any new information yet on timeline for this change? - Lynda Ellis
User 39d0b79643
01-03-2012 19:25:16
Please let us know when to expect this change.
Thank you, Lynda Ellis
User 39d0b79643
15-03-2012 19:40:41
The honor of a response would be appreciated.
- Lynda Ellis
ChemAxon e08c317633
18-03-2012 17:38:53
Hi Lynda,
Unfortunately, meanwhile a lot of other features we have to implement got higher priority, so this feature will not be implemented in the near future. Sorry for the late answer.