User 66a5f86d7e
23-07-2010 10:26:17
I have a reaction ,and the reaction have achieved, but there is one more reaction in the result ,I write the ruler,so I dont know wether my ruler is right ?
The double bond not to be reacted , but in the result ,the double bond have reacted in the third reaction.Is there a better ruler to solve the problem?
It is my rule: bondType(reactant(0),bond(ratom(4),ratom(3)))==2
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
23-07-2010 13:11:14
I moved this topic to the appropriate forum.
Best regards,
User 66a5f86d7e
28-07-2010 09:18:11
Anybody can give some suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
ChemAxon e08c317633
29-07-2010 12:02:07
Try the attached transform. It eliminates hydride only from sp3 carbons.
User 66a5f86d7e
02-08-2010 09:26:16
what is the mean of the AH in the reaction?
ChemAxon e08c317633
02-08-2010 09:36:40