Adding multiple reactants

User ea56552917

10-11-2009 20:58:43

I would like to enumerate a combinatorial library using reactor and on the reactor screen I would like to add 25 amines as reactants. How do I do this? I have found an example amine smiles file in the directorywith 3 amines, how do I generate a smiles file with 25 structures from Marvin sketch?

ChemAxon e08c317633

11-11-2009 11:20:28

Draw the structures in MarvinSketch, and when you save them you will be offered to append the structures to the opened file.


Other options:

- Use Markush Enumeration plugin to enumerate amines, and save the results to a SMILES file.

- Filter amines from az existing molfile. Example (command line):

 evaluate -e "match(amine)" -x smiles nci100.smiles -o amines.smiles


User ea56552917

11-11-2009 20:23:58

thanks the appending files and saving to an sd file works well and is easy to do
