Reactor, export to mol2 or 3D format problem

User 2b68687bb8

26-08-2009 14:29:37


I have some a list of molecules in mol2 format in a single file. I want to run a reaction over them and get the results in mol2 format or another 3D format. However, I tried different ways, and it seems that I am only able to obtain mol format as output (I do not see the mol2 option for the output). And for the mol option everything seems to be "plane" or in a 2D output like:


  41 MOL                               0
   1   2  -7.6977   0.0397   0.0000C
   2   2  -6.3631   0.8081   0.0000C
   3   2  -5.0303   0.0365   0.0000C
   4   2  -5.0321  -1.5035   0.0000C
   5   2  -6.3667  -2.2719   0.0000C
   6   2  -7.6995  -1.5003   0.0000C
   7   8  -8.8452  -2.5294   0.0000O
   8   1  -8.2205  -3.9370   0.0000C
   9   8  -6.6887  -3.7778   0.0000O
  10   1  -3.7031   0.8081   0.0000C
  11  13  -3.3277  -0.2152   0.0000H



So could anybody help to me?


Thanks in advance



ChemAxon e08c317633

26-08-2009 14:56:38


Do you use Reactor GUI, or command line? In command line you can simply specify the "mol2" output format with the "-f" switch:

$ react -r "[Cl:4][C:3]=O.[#7:2][H:1]>>[#7:2][C:3]=O.[Cl:4][H:1]" "CCCC(Cl)=O" "NCCC1CCCCC1" -f mol2

14 14
1 C1 -6.6684 -5.3900 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0649
2 C2 -5.3347 -6.1600 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0479
3 C3 -4.0010 -5.3900 0.0000 C.3 1 noname 0.0209
4 C4 -2.6674 -6.1600 0.0000 C.2 1 noname 0.0372
5 O1 -2.6674 -7.7000 0.0000 O.2 1 noname -0.2969
6 N1 -1.3337 -5.3900 0.0000 N.3 1 noname -0.0805
7 C5 0.0000 -6.1600 0.0000 C.3 1 noname 0.0029
8 C6 1.3337 -5.3900 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0373
9 C7 2.6674 -6.1600 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0402
10 C8 4.0010 -5.3900 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0504
11 C9 5.3347 -6.1600 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0530
12 C10 5.3347 -7.7000 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0533
13 C11 4.0010 -8.4700 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0530
14 C12 2.6674 -7.7000 0.0000 C.3 1 noname -0.0504
1 1 2 1
2 2 3 1
3 3 4 1
4 4 5 2
5 6 4 1
6 6 7 1
7 7 8 1
8 8 9 1
9 9 10 1
10 9 14 1
11 10 11 1
12 11 12 1
13 12 13 1
14 13 14 1
1 noname 1

1 0
1 Cl1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Cl 1 noname -0.1465
1 noname 1

I hope this helps.


User 2b68687bb8

26-08-2009 14:58:35



no, I am using the GUI

ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

26-08-2009 16:46:47

Thank you for reporting this issue, mol2 format is missing from the Standardizer file dialog as well, we will correct these applications in version 5.3. Until that you might use the command line tool.

User 2b68687bb8

26-08-2009 16:48:35

thanks for the answer.


anyway, is it possible to output using the gui to any other 3D format?

ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

26-08-2009 18:26:36

The GUI can support all formats that are exportable by the ChemAxon toolkit.

Many of these file formats can contain coordinates.