User 51f00758b6
23-07-2009 04:59:22
I am interested in fragmenting the CC bond. As per the RECAP rules we cannot get a CC cleavage but with the CCQ we can. I am interested in the pdb output but with the CCQ I get zero coordinates. Can you suggest me what changes I can make in the RECAP xml (i.e. FragmenterAll.xml ) so that I can get a CC cleavage. I was trying with <Action ID="carbon-carbon" Structure="[C:1]-[C:1]>>[C:1].[C:1]"/> which gave me the cleavage at CC but the problem is I can't get the fragement of interest even after specifying x and y as 1000.
ChemAxon 1a776f0a2a
24-07-2009 09:37:46
Dear Pramod!
Could you please specify more detailed what kind of additional datas you need for the output? I'd like to ask you to give us some example of the input you have and the output you would like to get from the fragmanter tool. (pdb/mrv or some same format with coordinate data would be very helpful)
User 51f00758b6
24-07-2009 10:58:56
Hi Attila,
I expect all possible combinations of fragements with a cleavage between C-C bond. For example I have a molecule POPC (attached) I expect C-C cleavege and all possible fragment combinations. I get the C-C cleavage with the coordinates (for output fragments) when I use
<Action ID="carbon-carbon" Structure="[C:1]-[C:1]>>[C:1].[C:1]"/> but the problem is the fragment combination are not enough even when I specify x any y as 1000 (I get around 20 fragments)
For example when I use this command
fragment -c Fragmenter.xml popc.pdb -x 1000 -y 1000 -f pdb -o out.pdb
I get only 20 fragments
where Fragmenter.xml specifies
<Action ID="carbon-carbon" Structure="[C:1]-[C:1]>>[C:1].[C:1]"/>
So how can I get all the fragments? and
how can I filter and remove the unwanted fragments (like smaller ones) ?
ChemAxon fb166edcbd
24-07-2009 13:45:34
The main problem here is that there are 36 CC bonds and hence there are 2^36 possible cut-sets which takes far more time to process than one can wait for. However, to generate all possible fragments (instead of all cut-sets) we can make some reasonable restrictions on the cut-sets, based on the structure of the input molecule.
Observe that the molecule has nearly a 3-branched tree structure as long as CC bonds are considered. Therefore we can set a maximum number of 3 cuts per fragment set (-x 3) and still generate all possible fragments.
However, use extensive mode (-e) to include those sets that can be extended further by more cuts.
With these settings, we can expect nearly 8000 fragments but with repetitions. I did not count the different fragments but there should be far less than this.
I converted the input to 2D and generate output in smiles:
fragment -c Fragmenter.xml popc-download5942.mrv -f smiles -e -x 3 -o o.smiles
This produces 410 fragments.
Now to filter small fragments I can think of 2 ways, both uses RECAP parameters:
1. set MinAtomCount
2. set NotList to exclude trivial fragments
fragment -c FragmenterRecap.xml popc-download5942.mrv -f smiles -e -x 3 -o o.smiles
This produces 262 fragments.
User 51f00758b6
25-07-2009 13:36:47
Dear Nora,
Thanks for the reply and your effort. It worked out well.
Where can I get the detailed information on writing configuration file and modifying as per my convenience? Also I want to know the complete information on fragmenter.
ChemAxon fb166edcbd
26-07-2009 23:31:03
Dear Pramod,
here are the links to documentation:
Best Regards,