jc_react - reaction on all possible sites

User 7b0ee04e66

12-12-2007 12:15:54


We are using jc_react to enumerate Libraries, but have recently received a request for a new feature where the reaction would run on all possible sites.

E.g. we have a list of molecules with one or more Nitro group which we have to reduce.

At the moment the list needs to be split into sub-lists according to the number of Nitro group and each list has to be processed as many times as there are Nitro groups on the molecule, which is not that efficient.

This would also be useful for all the protection / deprotection reactions.

Is there an option in jc_react which could be used to do this?

How difficult would it be to add one?



ChemAxon e08c317633

28-12-2007 21:57:09

Hi Catherine,

You can use jc_standardize to transform all functional groups of a molecule in one step. You have to define a Standardizer "transformation" to do this. "Transformation"-s are reactions that specify transformations of functional groups (e.g. transforming nitro groups) which are applied to transform all matching functional groups in the input molecules.


1. jc_standardize operator in JChem Cartridge users guide

2. Description of the "Transformation" Standardizer action

3. Custom conversion examples in the Standardizer users guide

Best regards,


User 7b0ee04e66

02-01-2008 17:21:38

Thanks, I will try to implement it.
