reaction exception due to standardizer

User 870ab5b546

31-07-2007 02:28:48


I have these lines in my reaction definition:

<StandardizerConfiguration Version ="1.0">


<Aromatize ID="aromatize" Type="general" Groups="reactant1"/>

<Transformation ID="P(+)-C(-) -> P=C" Structure="[#6-][P+]>>C=P" Type="string" Groups="reactant1"/>

<Aromatize ID="aromatize" Type="general" Groups="reactant2"/>

<Transformation ID="P(+)-C(-) -> P=C" Structure="[#6-][P+]>>C=P" Type="string" Groups="reactant2"/>



When I load the reaction, I get this message:

chemaxon.reaction.ReactionException: chemaxon.reaction.ReactionException: Could not read reaction: [#6-][P ]>>C=P

Caused by:

Could not read reaction: [#6-][P ]>>C=P

        at chemaxon.reaction.Reactor.setReactionDefinedStandardizer(

        at chemaxon.reaction.Reactor.setReaction(

        at com.prenhall.epoch.synthesis.SynthSolver.getProducts(

        at com.prenhall.epoch.synthesis.SynthSolver.getProducts(

        at org.apache.jsp.public_.pasteSynthTest_jsp._jspService(

However, I have similar lines in a different reaction that works just fine:

<StandardizerConfiguration Version ="0.1">


<Transformation ID="O-enolate to C-enolate" Structure="[#8-]C=C>>[#6-]C=O" Type="string" Groups="reactant1"/>   </Actions>


Is the + charge messing things up???

-- Bob

ChemAxon e08c317633

01-08-2007 09:36:17

bobgr wrote:

I have these lines in my reaction definition:

<StandardizerConfiguration Version ="1.0">


<Aromatize ID="aromatize" Type="general" Groups="reactant1"/>

<Transformation ID="P(+)-C(-) -> P=C" Structure="[#6-][P+]>>C=P" Type="string" Groups="reactant1"/>

<Aromatize ID="aromatize" Type="general" Groups="reactant2"/>

<Transformation ID="P(+)-C(-) -> P=C" Structure="[#6-][P+]>>C=P" Type="string" Groups="reactant2"/>



When I load the reaction, I get this message:

chemaxon.reaction.ReactionException: chemaxon.reaction.ReactionException: Could not read reaction: [#6-][P ]>>C=P

Caused by:

Could not read reaction: [#6-][P ]>>C=P

        at chemaxon.reaction.Reactor.setReactionDefinedStandardizer(

        at chemaxon.reaction.Reactor.setReaction(

        at com.prenhall.epoch.synthesis.SynthSolver.getProducts(

        at com.prenhall.epoch.synthesis.SynthSolver.getProducts(

        at org.apache.jsp.public_.pasteSynthTest_jsp._jspService(

I tried to reproduce the error. I used a separate standardizer configuration XML file:

react -r reaction.mrv -S standardizer.xml reactant1.smiles reactant2.smiles

The standardizer.xml contained exactly the configuration you posted and it worked fine. If I change the "[#6-][P+]>>C=P" reaction SMARTS string to "[#6-][P ]>>C=P", then I get the same exception:

chemaxon.reaction.ReactionException: Could not read reaction: [#6-][P ]>>C=P

I think the "[#6-][P+]>>C=P" string was modified somehow, and this caused the error. Could you check it if this happened?


User 870ab5b546

01-08-2007 14:06:11

Yes, you are right. I used Javascript's escape() function to encode the reaction definition before sending it serverside, and I now learn that it does not encode the + character properly. I need to use encodeURIComponent() instead.

Sorry to bother you.