User e5b3f1c532
02-07-2007 08:33:40
i have the academic license keys for the package, but for R group Decomposition it showing error while setting the license key. Incorrect license key name / value specified.
can u help me?
ChemAxon 909aee4527
02-07-2007 12:47:47
Hi Achuz,
you can just ignore this error, R-Group Decomposition runs with the Fragmenter license.
(RGroupDecomposition license key is only needed if you use older product versions.)
Kind regards,
User e5b3f1c532
04-07-2007 06:08:36
thanks for your its working!
i am usin g synthesizer for combinatorial library enumeration. i have 72 reactions which you are providing.
1)how can i get the R groups for these reactions(72 reaction types), can you suggest any source or database for that?
2)If i want to use synthesizer for library generation, is exhaustive algorithm is useful, since its using for one reactant-one product reactions?
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
16-08-2007 17:12:26
1. you may try any public database, since we do not provide any kind of content but the software (even knowledge- and rulebases, like the 72 reaction you refer to, serve demonstration purposes mainly) we cannot help you with the selection of input data.
2. Exhaustive enumeration generates far too many compounds, perhaps combinatorial enumeration is enough for your needs? If not, go for the exhaustive one to make sure that no potential compound is lost, though be aware of the time and memory requirements of such exercise.