Complete Fragmentation

User 568550d85a

21-06-2007 13:41:51

Is it possible to fragment a molecule into every possible piece of all the length and branches and so on?

When I try


it splits up the molecule into single atoms but I want also ALL the fragments with size 2 3 4 etc.

thanks for answers

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

22-06-2007 16:36:21

Have you tried the extensive fragmentation, e.g. by specifying the -e option flag in the command line?

fragment -c ~/work/Test/FragmenterAll.xml "CCCCCCC"

C |$C_{Q:1}$|

fragment -c ~/work/Test/FragmenterAll.xml "CCCCCCC" -e

C |$C_{Q:1}$|

CC |$C_{Q:2};$|

CCC |$C_{Q:2};;$|

CCCC |$C_{Q:2};;;$|

CCCCC |$C_{Q:2};;;;$|

CCCCCC |$C_{Q:2};;;;;$|

CCCCCCC |$;;;;;;$|

Is this what you mean?



User 568550d85a

25-06-2007 07:12:38

mvargyas wrote:
fragment -c ~/work/Test/FragmenterAll.xml "CCCCCCC" -e

C |$C_{Q:1}$|

CC |$C_{Q:2};$|

CCC |$C_{Q:2};;$|

CCCC |$C_{Q:2};;;$|

CCCCC |$C_{Q:2};;;;$|

CCCCCC |$C_{Q:2};;;;;$|

CCCCCCC |$;;;;;;$|

Looks good! Could you show me the FragmenterAll.xml file?

And does this also work with rings, branched molecules and double bonds?

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

02-07-2007 12:46:31

Actually, FragmentAll.xml did not contain anything else than your rule with a minor modification, namely the only transformation looked like this:


But I did not experiment with various bond types, chains etc. Shall I do this for you?



User 568550d85a

09-07-2007 08:22:57

Eh... Sorry for the delay, I was in holiday.
mvargyas wrote:

But I did not experiment with various bond types, chains etc. Shall I do this for you?


Thanks, I would very appreciate that (because I think it has difficulties with rings...)

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

12-07-2007 07:29:25

You are right, C - C ring bonds are not cut. We need to implement this feature!

Btw: did you try to experiment with the CutRingHetero option? See for details.

