User 4b8a3205dc
14-03-2007 06:54:34
I have two doubt regarding the synthesizer program
(1)I have successfully run the program in memory and file mode with the
examples provided. I need to give my own input. Is this program support only
amine, carboxylic acid and alkynes? Can I give my own SETId other than
amine, carboxylic acid and alkyne(program is showing error) ? In synthesizer
xml file do I need to make changes to give user defined input?
(2)To open synthesis browser connection to database is required. From where
will get the user name and password.Is there any example database provided
with package.
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
14-03-2007 16:42:13
1) It is a general tool, so you can configure it for your own reactions and sets. The examples are provided as illustrations.
2) Synthesis browser can be used when you generated your library to a jchem database. It does not support files, and we are currently reengineering our approach to synthesis databases. We will add Reactor's functionality to
Instant JChem soon, which will provide an easy to access interface for reaction processing in databases. Please sign up for our newsletter to be informed as soon as this integration process has been finished.
User 4b8a3205dc
21-03-2007 13:16:08
i am tryin the synthesizer program..
now i am trying to add more input molecules(as example xml and file have only three (alkyne, amines and carboxylic acid)). also i am trying to upload your reaction library in rdf format(instead of three). also i edited the xml file according to that. but its still showing some error, so do i need to make any other change??/\
how can i do this with my own input molecules??/
see the attached files...(reaction library in rdf format and edited XML file)
please see and tell me any other change needed?? or what will i do in set id in this case?/?
User 4b8a3205dc
14-05-2007 07:24:19
my doubt is that the output of the synthesiser conains the input molecules also (scaffold, groups).
But i need only the output molecules for further procees, so can u help me..
please see the attached file.
The first four molecules and 5,6,7 molecules are also the same input molecules...
help me to solve this..
User 4b8a3205dc
14-05-2007 09:19:18
In exhaustive algorithm working examples provided in help, some reactions (e.g 2-oxopent-4-enoic_acid_hydrolase.mrv, 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate_aldolase.mrv etc) are used. so is this reactions are also there in your reaction library(contains 72 reactions type)??
if i want to do synthsise with my own inputs, how can i refer the reaction type?
User 4b8a3205dc
18-05-2007 05:33:37
Hi ,
Thanks for your response..
Its really helpful for me..
now, my doubt is about the 'Graph' part of the synthsizer.xml file.
<Sets Result="RESULT"/>
Ncount(product(0)) + Ocount(product(0)) + Scount(product(0)) <= 10
&& mass(product(0)) <= 700
<Edge From="alkyne,scaffold" To="product1" RID="r1"/>
<Edge From="product1,amine" To="product2" RID="r2"/>
<Edge From="carboxylic-acid,product2" To="RESULT" RID="r3"/>
can you explain that part as above example, like how it works?
If i have a scaffold, and i need to generate a combinatorial library. For that i know that i need to select the recation type and, R-gropus(Here like alkyne, amines etc).
So DO I NEED TO SPECIFY THAT GROUPS IN SEPARATE FILE as amines.smiles, alkynes.smiles here) or in one file?
then according to thos my own reaction how can i edit the EDGE part of the xml.???
help me to solve this problem...
ChemAxon e08c317633
22-05-2007 15:01:08
Please try using
Reactor. It has graphical user interface that helps you in reaction design (including specifying reaction rules and reaction library management), and provides an easy to use interface for selecting the input and the output files.
Best regards,
User 4b8a3205dc
23-05-2007 05:27:09
in synthesizer.xml, i have edited the edge tag and tried the following commands separately with the same inputs.
eg. first one is <Edge From="scaffolds,halo" To="RESULT" RID="r1"/>
second one is <Edge From="halo, scaffolds" To="RESULT" RID="r1"/>
i am attaching the input files, reaction type and both result.can you tell how i got this result??
RESULT1.smiles, is the result of first tag and RESULT2.smiles is the result of secong tag.
can you explain how can i edit this <edge> tag appropriately to get all the possible molecule set?