ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 09:53:49
My final set of questions:
How is the evaluator used in the context of including calculator plug-ins in chemical terms? If I want to use the reactor API to run my reactions in a Java wrapper class do I need to include the Evaluator API class and construct an instance of Evaluator or does the react API call evaluator when it recognises a reference to a plug-in in the appended chemical terms of a reaction string?
Secondly, it appears that I can calculate my plug-ins without the need for evaluator: examples, being
and Slide 9 of the recent Calculator Plug-ins presentation.
I guess I am struggling a bit to see how evaluator fits in to determining the calculator plug-ins in both a reaction and stand alone context - is it an essential component in either context?
Where can I see a list of prices for the calculator plug-ins please?
Would also be useful to see a price for a single react licence.
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 10:19:35
Please find attached two versions of the Wittig reaction, one to produce the E isomer and one for the Z isomer.
I run the reactions for the two input sets attached using combinatorial mode and get no output (and no errors) - could you please see where I am going wrong in my reaction definitions please!? I don't think this is a chemical terms related issue.
Many thanks,
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 10:21:14
Year/perpetual prices for:
Log P
would be good to start with.
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
02-06-2005 10:36:32
Our CBO will contact you soon regarding the prices.
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 14:40:09
I'm sorry to report that I still cannot get the Wittig reaction working.
I have tried your SMARTS example saved as mrv and rxn and yet no output is apparent.
May I suggest that the O and H are not mapped in the SMARTS that you have provided? Presumably the L requires mapping also?
I have tried quite a few variations - maybe you could upload a rxn version and some inputs that you know work.
Sorry + Thanks,
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
02-06-2005 14:53:34
1. Goto this page:
2. Paste the SMARTS or load the attached wittig.rxn file in the reaction window.
3. Press the "Set Reactants" button at the bottom of the page.
4. Add your Ketone.smi file as first reactant, and HaloAlkane.smi file as the second reactant.
5. Select "combinatorial" mode and "reaction" type options at the bottom of the page.
6. Press the React button.
18 reactions are generated.
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 15:12:13
That's a great way to do it, which I will use to test from now on!
However in this case I have completed and get the message "no products created" using the SMARTS you suggested for Wittig reaction - I take it that you do see some products at this stage?
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 15:23:07
OK - it works fine with the wittig.rxn file you provided.
Great thanks for your help.
Will now try and run with react call at this end.
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 15:33:11
Strangely, a similar call to react tool produces no output though?
react C:\reactor\Wittig\HaloAlkane.smi C:\reactor\Wittig\Ketone.smi -r C:\reactor\wittig\wittig.rxn -o C:\reactor\wittig\WittigOutput.sdf -m comb
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
02-06-2005 15:45:08
Which JChem version do you use?
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
02-06-2005 15:53:12
I was using the react tool which came with 3.0.10?
The rest of my JChem set up is 2.3 and I am due to upgrade next week!
(An indication of when 3.1 is out would be useful)
Also I only have a trial license key so this may further complicate.
ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
03-06-2005 09:25:14
Sorry my mistake - it works perfect!
All in all, my questions are fully answered, so thank you very much for your great support. We will be in touch at the latest, by the end of next week with respect to purchase of relevant licesnses.
It would be useful to have all the price details by the end of the day - or at least available to view by Monday?
i.e. Prices for...
1 * full react license (not the react pro for now)
5 * calculator plug - ins mentioned above.