2 equivalents for a reactant

User 832fa119fa

09-12-2013 16:28:06

I found a similar query, but it found that it wasn't helpful.  I have been having an issue with how to properly link a reactant that is being used twice for one reaction.  I have attached my mrv file.  Simply changing the ratio from 1:1 to 2:1 does not help, because I have linked my starting material to two separate parts of the product.  Is there another way to do this?


ChemAxon e3b68ad0ae

10-12-2013 08:51:23

Dear Carissa,

Reactor currently does not support the use of multiple quantities of the same reactant. 

In order to tackle such reactions, the reactant in question should be included multiple times in the reaction equation and mapping should be adjusted accordingly.

Thus, you should draw the ketone component of your reaction twice. 

Best wishes,
