User 8c3f17292e
20-09-2013 01:10:17
Hello, every body!
I am a learner. Currently, I find it is difficult to find the meaning of '#6' '#8' on website, such as:
match(ratom(3), "[#6][N,O,S:1][N,O,S:2]", 1), I know match() function,
but i can't find the meaning of '#1' '#6' '#7' and #8. It seams that'#6'
indicate is it the end of a molecule and '#8' represent there is some
other atoms connect, is that true?.
In addition, are there some one to tell
me how to express the aromatic carbon atoms?
Thank you!
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
20-09-2013 05:23:19
You can write chemical structure queries for the match function in SMARTS format. C is aliphatic carbon, c is aromatic carbon, [#6] is either aliphatic or aromatic carbon (6 is its atomic number). You will find examples and other useful query features here.
User 8c3f17292e
20-09-2013 07:48:57
Gyuri wrote: |
You can write chemical structure queries for the match function in SMARTS format. C is aliphatic carbon, c is aromatic carbon, [#6] is either aliphatic or aromatic carbon (6 is its atomic number). You will find examples and other useful query features here.
Get it! Thank you very much!