I have a (hopefully) quick question regarding Reactor. Is it possible to have a single reaction which will handle the addition of both a secondary amine (like piperidine) and an aromatic amine (like pyrazole) with a carboxylic acid ?
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
24-06-2004 13:09:53
One simple solution is this reaction scheme in SMIRKS:
The mapping here follows the Reactor format (each atom having changing bond is mapped). You can try it from the command line this way:
react -r "[#7X3:1][H:2].[H][O:4][C:3]=O>>[#7:1][C:3]=O" "C1CCCCN1" "CC(O)=O"
react -r "[#7X3:1][H:2].[H][O:4][C:3]=O>>[#7:1][C:3]=O" "c1cc[nH]n1" "CC(O)=O"
You can certainly improve the scheme further (ie. excluding amide nitrogens) by using recursive SMARTS expressions (available from JChem version 2.3, check the beta release here
http://www.chemaxon.com/restricted/jtest/) or by adding REACTIVITY rules to the reaction in mrv or rdf formats.
Is there a way to define a reaction using MarvinSketch which will work for both aromatic and aliphatic amines? Our application is being used by chemists who have no interest in writing SMIRKS.
ChemAxon d76e6e95eb
25-06-2004 07:01:32
Certainly there is. The image of the reaction was created with MarvinSketch. The connection count (X3) can be set with the X+ button located in the More window. You can then save the reaction in RXN, RDF or MRV formats. Testing with the react tool is similar to the SMARTS version:
react -r amidation.rxn pyrazole.mol acetic_acid.mol
If you do not like the connection count property, you can define the amines in an other way. For example, attaching two carbons with single-or-aromatic query bonds to the nitrogen on the left side of the scheme.
I attached these two rxn file versions of the reaction.