Banquet at Vasarely Museum

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

18-06-2007 19:21:09

Please do upload your images. Post order should be by "newest first"

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

18-06-2007 19:38:37

Please do upload your images. Post order should be by "newest first"

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

18-06-2007 19:40:52

Please do upload your images. Post order should be by "newest first"

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

18-06-2007 19:58:51

Please do upload your images. Post order should be by "newest first"

Also apologies for extensive use of the wide angle lens (10-20) which can take from the real life shape of the subject - suggesting large heads and bottoms :).

User e103a02d82

19-06-2007 14:05:55


User e103a02d82

19-06-2007 14:07:50

My Vasarely period :-)

User e103a02d82

19-06-2007 14:10:01

Challenge to recreate in Chemaxon software!