Can't find the documentation for functions under operators.

User 7f33ec9a5c

28-10-2012 02:22:27

Hi guys,

I see the documentation for all the SQL operators posted here:

But I can't find documentation that relates the operators to their underlying function names, and I have no idea how to query the data dictionary to relate operators to their underlying function names.

How does one call JChem from PL\Sql, and where are the docs for this?

User 7f33ec9a5c

28-10-2012 04:18:31

As an example:

for the operator jc_standardize();

I found:


And for jc_evaluate:

jchem.jcf.evaluate(smiles, 'logp()'); digging through your PL/SQL.

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

28-10-2012 16:00:26

Correct, functions are in the JCF package:

User 7f33ec9a5c

29-10-2012 17:14:14

Thank you.  

I've been using jchem.jchem_core_pkg.standardize() should I move to the jcf.standardize() function instead, or is this a special case?




ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

29-10-2012 21:47:10

tsamop wrote:

Thank you.  

I've been using jchem.jchem_core_pkg.standardize() should I move to the jcf.standardize() function instead, or is this a special case?




Yes, please use funcions from the jcf package.

In general we advise to use only the calls that are described by the documentation.

The other fucntion you have discovered in other ways may be left there for backwards compatibility, and may be scheduled for removal in the future.