ORA-20101 please, create domain index on...

User b91dd8facf

23-10-2005 19:23:25

oracle 64 bit

jchem 3.1.1

I have uploaded the nci compounds into an oracle table through jcman. Using a command:

select cd_smiles,nsc,cd_molweight,cd_formula from ncicompounds where jc_contains(cd_smiles,'c1ccccc1C=O')=1;


ORA-20101 please, create domain index on the column referenced in the operator jc_contains of the table DATA_OBJECT_ID=.......

What should I do to get substructure searching going?

regards lw

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

24-10-2005 07:59:37

Please, create a jc_idxtype index on the table ncicompounds like this:

create index jcxncicompounds on ncicompounds(cd_smiles) indextype is jc_idxtype.

Please, note that you may need to prefix the index type with the name of the schema where JChem Cartridge has been installed:

create index jcxncicompounds on ncicompounds(cd_smiles) indextype is jchemowner.jc_idxtype.

You may need to do so even if you created a public synonym for the indextype.
