User 3cb3210e76
18-10-2012 14:17:30
One of our developers has reported getting a Closed Connection error when executing a jc_compare query on one of our databases. Rerunning the query has resolved the problem so I'm just trying to fully understand the cause to prevent reoccurence. Error message received:
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
> java.rmi.RemoteException: Closed Connection
> ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 85
> ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JC_IDXTYPE_IM", line 351
I checked the file for this database and noticed 2 things. Firstly there are no settings for the following 2 properties...
Secondly, there is a setting to validate connections which is defined as below...
I am thinking that the reason for the Closed Connection error is because the database was restarted but the connections did not refresh.
Is the property setting for connection validation correct - i.e. should the sysprop. at the beginning of that setting be present as it isn't there for the other oracle cache property settings, but this is how it is defined in the sample properties file ?
If the InactivityTimeout and PropertyCheckInterval settings were present would the problem have been averted because new connections would have been established ?