Structure caching

ChemAxon 587f88acea

18-06-2004 13:29:10

JCHEM 2.1 August 14 2003

Windows 2000

Oracle 9i

In previous versions it seems to me that when setting structure caching once to true it would always remain true until you clear the cache.

With this version I have to reuse the same instance of JChemSearch for the method isStructureCaching to return true

why ?

I am sure that the cache is not rebuilt, however ?

Thanks for your help

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

21-06-2004 06:16:26

In the previous versions (pre 2.1) it was probably a mistake.

Although all JChemSearch instances use the same cache, they are distinct objects, and should not alter each other's settings.

Since the default setting is false for structureCaching, you have to either set it explicitly to true for every JChemSearch instance, or you may also reuse the JChemSearch instance.

As all JChemSearch instances use the same cache, the cache do not have to be rebuilt either way.

(It's only rebuilt if the table is modified before the next search.)


ChemAxon Developer