User 55ffa2f197
06-09-2012 20:14:28
Hi , I have following guanadine smiles query [NH]C(N)N, it picks up most of the guanadine containing molecules however it will not be able to find N=C1Nc2ccccc2N1, this is puzzline!!!!!. I tried MolSearch method, and tried this in IJC. Can you confirm this and tell me why?
ChemAxon a3d59b832c
11-09-2012 15:44:59
Hi Dong,
I think that this substructure will not be a good guanidine substructure.
A double bond is definitely missing:
Furthermore, in the mentioned target molecule, the C-N bonds are in fact aromatic (regarding the default, general aromatization method).
So probably it makes sense to use "single or aromatic" bond types there.
How about this SMARTS:
(I also attach in png and mrv format below.)
Best regards,
User 55ffa2f197
11-09-2012 16:25:40
Hi Szabolcs, yes, I did miss the = in my guanadine query. You are right, the correct smarts should be N=[#6]([#7])[#7], this query would retrieve N=C1Nc2ccccc2N1