R-group decomp with variably linked (grouped) molecules ?

User 19340102dc

23-08-2012 09:20:18


I'd like to know, whether Jchem can do R-group decomposition with molecules that contain variable parts ?(such as in the attachment)

Thanks and best regards,


ChemAxon abe887c64e

23-08-2012 13:10:09

Hi Robert,

We can do R-group
decomposition with your example molecule having list atom. But
unfortunately the other one with the (n) repeating unit can not be
processed. If n is substituted with a number, or range of numbers (3,
9-15) R-group decomposition works again. There is a limitation of
repetition number: 10.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
