With logging set to finest:
FINE: main: (port 0) create server socket
FINEST: FINER: main: creating server socket on [localhost:0]
FINER: main: creating server socket on [localhost:0]
FINEST: FINE: main: default port for server socket factory null and client socket factory null set to 6094
FINE: main: default port for server socket factory null and client socket factory null set to 6094
FINEST: FINE: RMI TCP Accept-0: listening on port 6094
FINE: RMI TCP Accept-0: listening on port 6094
FINEST: FINER: main: strongRef = sun.rmi.transport.DGCImpl@6115273a
FINER: main: strongRef = sun.rmi.transport.DGCImpl@6115273a
FINEST: FINER: main: add object [0:0:0, 2]
FINER: main: add object [0:0:0, 2]
FINEST: FINER: main: add object [-6f62f27f:137ccb5d1de:-7fff, -5317439951930587182]
FINER: main: add object [-6f62f27f:137ccb5d1de:-7fff, -5317439951930587182]
FINEST: FINER: main: string used for method hash: "get(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/rmi/Remote;"
FINER: main: string used for method hash: "get(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/rmi/Remote;"
FINEST: FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getTunnelPort()I"
FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getTunnelPort()I"
FINEST: FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getLocale()[Ljava/lang/String;"
FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getLocale()[Ljava/lang/String;"
FINEST: FINER: main: string used for method hash: "checkVersion(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
FINER: main: string used for method hash: "checkVersion(Ljava/lang/String;)V"
FINEST: FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getEnvironment(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"
FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getEnvironment(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"
FINEST: FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getTunnelSocketTimeout()I"
FINER: main: string used for method hash: "getTunnelSocketTimeout()I"
FINEST: FINE: Looking in /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses for license files...
FINE: Looking in /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses for license files...
FINEST: FINE: Processing file /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license.cxl
FINE: Processing file /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license.cxl
FINEST: CONFIG: Searching for license file given with Java system property: chemaxon.license.url
CONFIG: Searching for license file given with Java system property: chemaxon.license.url
FINEST: CONFIG: Searching for license file given with environment variable: CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL
CONFIG: Searching for license file given with environment variable: CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL
FINEST: CONFIG: Reading license file from user home failed: /apps/chemaxon/jchem/.chemaxon/license.cxl
CONFIG: Reading license file from user home failed: /apps/chemaxon/jchem/.chemaxon/license.cxl
FINEST: CONFIG: Setting license file: /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license.cxl
CONFIG: Setting license file: /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license.cxl
FINEST: FINE: Creating FileInputStream from /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license.cxl
FINE: Creating FileInputStream from /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license.cxl
FINEST: FINE: Processing file /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license_2010.cxl.old
FINE: Processing file /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license_2010.cxl.old
FINEST: CONFIG: Setting license file: /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license_2010.cxl.old
CONFIG: Setting license file: /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license_2010.cxl.old
FINEST: FINE: Creating FileInputStream from /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license_2010.cxl.old
FINE: Creating FileInputStream from /apps/chemaxon/jchem/5.3.5/cartridge/licenses/license_2010.cxl.old
FINEST: INFO: Listening on network interface at port 1099...
INFO: Listening on network interface at port 1099...