Upgrade CPUs to improve JChem search response time?

User 818520b6b8

29-09-2005 14:45:35

Hi all,

we have a J2EE application which performs searches on Oracle Database using JChem Base.

This application is running on Tomcat and Solaris.

Will the search response time improve in case we upgrade the CPUs?

In case we double the CPU speed, will it reduce response time to the half?

Thanks a lot.

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

29-09-2005 16:42:34

Will the search response time improve in case we upgrade the CPUs?
Yes, it will improve of course.

The speed and number of CPUs are the most important HW factors for JChemBase search time (in cached mode).
In case we double the CPU speed, will it reduce response time to the half?
Only approximately.

It's not solely the clock speed of the CPU, that influences the computational speed, here are some other factors:

- the speed of the memory

- the speed of the Front Side Bus (FSB): this is where the CPU accesses the memory

- the size and speed of the memory cache (usually there are 2-3 levels of cache, and the first two levels are integrated in the CPU core)

- the internal structure of the processor

The same is true for doubling the number of processors: you do not get exactly twice the speed.

In spite of all this, using faster/more CPUs is the best way to improve JChemBase performance.

Best regards,


User 818520b6b8

30-09-2005 06:25:20

Thanks a lot Szilard.

That's what I though. I just wanted to confirm that the main task when performing searches is performed by JVM and not the database anb jdbc.