User 773d472e7f
18-04-2012 15:03:27
I am a new to ChemAxon and will be applying ChemAxon tools to a 10+ Million structure database.
Performing Exact Searchs and Substructure Searchs will be the initial requirement.
Please explain the difference in JChem Base (which can be deployed onto many different databases Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL etc...) and the JChem Cartridge which can be deployed onto Oracle only.
How does JChem Base relate to JChem Cartridge?
I thank you in advance for your response.
Kind Regards
Bernard D'Alwis
ChemAxon 61b4fee994
19-04-2012 08:27:45
Dear Bernard,
JChem Cartridge uses the JChem Base API functions. You can access almost all JChem Base features from JChem Cartridge, so the available functions are almost the same in the two products. The main difference is that JChem Base features are available through Java code, JChem Cartridge functionalities are available through SQL queries. Both are available through the command line tool JChem Manager.
To compare the search options, see the table on the bottom of this page.
User 773d472e7f
19-04-2012 10:47:57
Dear Tamas,
Thanks for your reply: I would just like to double check my understanding:
Does this mean that I can deploy the 10 Million structure database into for example into a MySQL database and access the data using JChem Base (no cartridge) ?
If this is correct please would you point me to the index creation documentation.
Thanks you for the help!
Bernard D'Alwis
ChemAxon 61b4fee994
19-04-2012 12:49:53
Dear Bernard,
Yes, you can create,import and search in tables using JChem Base without Cartridge. The easiest way to do that is by using JChem Manager, which is part of JChem Base. It has a gui interface, but you can also use it as a command line tool. These tables created by JChem Manager can be searched with a Java program via JChem Base API or Instant JChem or by a simple command line tool jcsearch.