Tautomer searches

User f05f6b8c05

23-03-2012 10:16:03


When including canonical tautomer generation directly into the standardization configuration of a table index, is it up to the user to run standardizer (tautomerize) on a query structure before doing search against table? Or does cartridge do this automatically to query structure?

(we want to avoid having to include tautomerSearch:y query option, which can be slow)

Thanks for any guidance,


ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

23-03-2012 10:24:55

Hi Andrew,

As part of initializing the search, the same Standardizer rules are automatically applied to the query structure as were applied (through the std_config and std_config:sql index parameters) to the target structures.


User f05f6b8c05

25-03-2012 09:40:52

Thank you for the fast reply!