User 4140faeba5
17-01-2012 11:10:39
I recently upgraded to Jchem 5.7.1
Access to object are from roles.
When a user tries to do a structure search, it fails the first time with ORA-01031
But the second time it works.
Have I missed something ?
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
17-01-2012 13:23:50
Hi Micke,
This is certainly not expected. Didn't you restart the session after the first (unsuccessful) attempt? In my experience, changes to privileges of a user often don't take effect until you restart the user's session.
User 4140faeba5
17-01-2012 13:35:05
Hi Peter.
No, I did the 2:nd query in the same session.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
17-01-2012 13:49:02
Hi Micke,
Please, could you post the Java stack trace for the error, if there is any? I suggest to look first in jchem/cartridge/logs. If nothing related is logged there, you might find something in the Oracle session trace.
Do you still have, perhaps, the full client-side error message?
User 4140faeba5
18-01-2012 09:58:41
Hi Peter.
Here comes the logfile from the server and the trace file from Oracle.
It contains 2 searches, the first one which fails followed by the second one which works.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
18-01-2012 10:02:23
Hi Micke,
Thank you for the input.
Please, could you upload the files in zip (or gzip) format? I can't handle rar.
User 4140faeba5
18-01-2012 10:09:17
Hi Peter.
Here they come again.
I called out too early about the direct access.
It seems more related to if the user has it's own jchem tables or not.
After a restart of the jchem server, a user who has its own jchem tables works on the first try
A user without works on the second try.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
18-01-2012 17:37:57
Thank you, Micke, for this information.
Starting with JChem version 5.3.2, users who read/use other users' indexes need an additional UPDATE privilege on the JCHEMPROPERTIES table associated with the "foreign" index in question. (I assume then that you upgraded from a JChem Cartridge version earlier than 5.3.2...) The procedure privman_pkg.grants_on_jcidx has been modified to reflect this, but it is difficult/impossible to guess in the upgrade program which are the affected indexes/users. I suggest to call privman_pkg.grants_on_jcidx(user_name, idx_schema, idx_name, with_search, with_insert,with_update, with_delete) again for user-index-pairs where the index is in a different schema when the index.
Sorry for the incovenience.
User 4140faeba5
19-01-2012 13:36:42
Hi Peter.
Thanks, that did the trick.