User 02c7249dc6
13-01-2012 21:53:54
select jchem_core_pkg.getenvironment() from dual
is great at doing a sanity check and verifying versions of oracle jvm and the cartridge.
I'd like to request an analagous procedure to get license info from sql for the cartridge. This is really easy in all your other products but I'm not aware of an easy way to do this on the cartridge. ( if it already exists let us know )
This is really helpful as often you may be dealling across groups in an organization and for instance I don't have access to the machine where this is install, so a runtime check would be ideal.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
16-01-2012 10:14:31
Thank you for reporting this requirement. We will implement this feature ASAP.
User 02c7249dc6
17-01-2012 14:35:24
Thanks Peter.
For displaying the license info, If possible having it displayed in a tabular resultset would be great. If not, having the info in a text block, like the environment info, would be sufficient.
Thanks again,
ChemAxon 61b4fee994
20-01-2012 13:32:37
Dear Dan,
A table function will be provided with the license information in the 5.9 version.
ChemAxon 61b4fee994
28-03-2012 07:26:39
In the 5.9 version, the table function is provided, you can use it like this:
select * from table(jchem_core_pkg.getLicenses());