User e34a92cce5
29-08-2005 20:28:37
I have been trying to use Linux shell to run jcman to connect to an Oracle database, but it gives me the connector classNotFound error(attached). My .jchem file in the .chemaxon/ directory seems to have all the connection details.
However, when I try to use my PC to tunnel to the Linux machine, I can use jcman to connect to the Oracle db. I guess that's bcos the .jchem file that's generated on my PC machine has the right connection parameters. I tried copying that same file to the Linux machine's .chemaxon directory, but it would still give me the same error. I tried connecting using the command line login paramters, but that still doesn't work. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this.
I have been trying to use Linux shell to run jcman to connect to an Oracle database, but it gives me the connector classNotFound error(attached). My .jchem file in the .chemaxon/ directory seems to have all the connection details.
Code: |
#Settings of the ChemDB system #Thu Jul 14 09:51:00 EDT 2005 connection.jdbcUrl=jdbc\:oracle\:thin\\:1521\:moria connection.propertyTable=JChemProperties gui.lookAndFeel.className=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel connection.jdbcDriver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver connection.login=$login_name connection.password=$password |
However, when I try to use my PC to tunnel to the Linux machine, I can use jcman to connect to the Oracle db. I guess that's bcos the .jchem file that's generated on my PC machine has the right connection parameters. I tried copying that same file to the Linux machine's .chemaxon directory, but it would still give me the same error. I tried connecting using the command line login paramters, but that still doesn't work. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this.