JCManager and PostgreSQL date column load error

User 8688ffe688

18-10-2011 15:27:53

jcman fails on loading date column types on PostgreSQL 9.1.1. Date is ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).  Direct database insert via psql prompt works fine.  Stack Trace below:



WARNING: Unexpected error during DB import

java.sql.SQLException: 2007-03-29 can not be converted to date

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.sql.TypeConverter.convert(TypeConverter.java:95)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.FieldInfo.setValue(FieldInfo.java:235)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.ParallelStructTableUpdater.setValues(ParallelStructTableUpdater.java:186)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.ParallelStructTableUpdater.importFile(ParallelStructTableUpdater.java:402)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.FileToSQLHandler.importFile(FileToSQLHandler.java:136)

        at chemaxon.jchem.gui.Importer.run(Importer.java:166)

        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: chemaxon.jchem.db.TransferException: Unexpected error during DB import: 2007-03-29 can not be converted to date

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.ParallelStructTableUpdater.importFile(ParallelStructTableUpdater.java:491)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.FileToSQLHandler.importFile(FileToSQLHandler.java:136)

        at chemaxon.jchem.gui.Importer.run(Importer.java:166)

        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

Caused by: chemaxon.jchem.db.TransferException: Unexpected error during DB import: 2007-03-29 can not be converted to date

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.ParallelStructTableUpdater.importFile(ParallelStructTableUpdater.java:481)

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: 2007-03-29 can not be converted to date

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.sql.TypeConverter.convert(TypeConverter.java:95)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.FieldInfo.setValue(FieldInfo.java:235)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.ParallelStructTableUpdater.setValues(ParallelStructTableUpdater.java:186)

        at chemaxon.jchem.db.ParallelStructTableUpdater.importFile(ParallelStructTableUpdater.java:402)



ChemAxon a9ded07333

19-10-2011 15:49:28

Hi Matthew,

Could you provide information on

It would be also helpful if you could send us the file you tried to import.

Best regards,

User 8688ffe688

19-10-2011 16:14:55

jcman version

table type: molecules

Work around:

I successfully imported the complete file changing the sdf field name to text_date column type to char(10), then executed the following sql statements;

update [table] set registration_date = cast(text_date as date) where text_date is not null;

alter table [table] drop column text_date;

I think most modern databases automatically parse date and timestamp string literals so there is no need to create a java Date object which seems to be the cause of the problem.  I would suggest that users format date and timestamps that can be understood and parsed by the specific relational database engine they are using e.g. Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL.

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

27-10-2011 09:55:58

Hi Mat,

thanks for sharing your workaround with the community and with us. Does this mean that the issue has lower severity now?



User 8688ffe688

27-10-2011 14:46:15

Yes, lower severity since we have a work around, but would be nice to have future versions of jcmanager support date, timestamp fields.

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

13-09-2013 16:08:02

JChem 6.1 has been released with a fix to this problem:

JChem Base - DB functionalities
