User 6d24b35814
18-08-2011 13:45:06
I'm trying to configure the example web search pages for our local database.
I've added values for the driver, url etc using the db_search/setup.jsp page, which skips the login page <good>
but I also want to skip the seltable.jsp page as there is only one table and I will always want to return the default form with all user defined properties, how do I set these values to skip that page?
In the search results page next to each structure I get ID: <cd_id> displayed, the cd_id is meaningless and I wish to replace it with another field in the JChem manager table called 'parent_id' I've changed the form value in setup.jsp to be
jspexample.form.jchemform.cell=ID: <parent_id>;
but still my search results are displaying the meaningless cd_id - how can I change this?
Many thanks
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
22-08-2011 09:03:56
the topic was moved to the Jchem Base forum, my colleagues will answer you soon.
User c1ce6b3d19
22-08-2011 13:58:34
I'm not sure I can fully support this specific code easily, but I can probably point you in the right direction.
In the db_search example, when a user clicks on the submit button from the Table Selection page, seltable.jsp is calling initsearch.jsp from the go() method. The go method sets the strtable value to the table name, along with a few other parameters.
initsearch.jsp has an initialization section that reads in the table name.
String structureTableName = (String)request.getParameter("strtable");
User c1ce6b3d19
22-08-2011 14:10:07
JChem specific fields (e.g. CD_id) are displayed to the right of the structre in the example. User defined fields (those not beginning with CD_, e.g. parent_id) are displayed below the structure.
On the Table Selection page (using the normal db_serach example), checking the "Display results with all user defined fields" box will display all the user definied fields.
How can we help further?
User 6d24b35814
24-08-2011 07:40:00
Hi Jon
I managed to modify the jsp code to get the desired behaviour.
Kind regards