User 870ab5b546
27-07-2005 01:13:01
We recently upgraded to JChem 3.0.13. When we try to convert a MOL file containing a radical (for example, CH3ยท) into a SMILES, we get this error message:
Generic error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Some features of [#6] cannot be converted to smiles/cxsmiles. Use the smarts or cxsmarts format.
This is a brand-new error message which wasn't generated in previous versions of JChem, as far as we can tell. Why is it being generated now? Why can't we convert a radical-containing structure into a SMILES string?
-- Bob
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
27-07-2005 09:06:11
Hi Bob,
Previous versions (like the 2.3.x series) did not throw an exception indeed, but the conversion was not quite correct, the radical was lost.
The 3.0.x versions throw an exception indeed, as proper radical support for SMILES is not implemented yet in these versions.
Correct handling of radicals will be available from JChem 3.1 (and Marvin 4.0).
These releases are expected to come out soon.
You may also test some of the new features before the release by downloading one of our test builds:
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
07-09-2005 13:46:38
I can confirm that when radicals are now converted into SMILES, the radical information is preserved.
However, when they are converted into SMARTS, the radical information is lost. This behavior seems like a bug, because SMARTS should encompass all SMILES functionality.
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
08-09-2005 14:21:48
Hi Bob,
In case of SMILES the radical information is calculated from the implicit H count and the valence, which is not possible in case of SMARTS.
If you want to use SMARTS with radical support I suggest you to use cxsmarts instead.
All the best
User 870ab5b546
08-09-2005 15:56:43
Radicals don't appear to be supported by cxsmiles or cxsmarts in Marvin 3.5.5, although they are in Marvin 4.0. So in what version of Marvin and JChem were they first supported?
ChemAxon a3d59b832c
08-09-2005 20:34:54
They were introduced in Marvin 4.0.1 and JChem 3.1.